Women In Trucking announces its 2018 August Member of the Month
P O Box 400
Plover, WI
Phone: 888 464-9482
Women In Trucking Association (WIT) has announced Erika Bernard as its August Member of the Month. Erika has worked at International Trucking School (ITS) for the past five years.
When Erika earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Science and a Teaching Certificate, she did not anticipate working in the trucking industry. However, when she heard ITS was looking for help in the office, she jumped at the opportunity and wouldn’t have it any other way.
“The trucking industry is more important than most know. Without trucks, America stops! Being a part of this industry makes me feel like my job truly matters and International Trucking School is making a difference in our economy,” she said.
Throughout her time at ITS, Erika has witnessed hundreds of students, including a variety of women, graduate and start a new career in trucking. Student success and filling the driver shortage is what motivates Erika and her co-workers at ITS.
As a volunteer for The National Association of Show Trucks (NAST), Erika had the honor to be Miss NAST 2015. She attends truck shows, sells NAST merchandise and occasionally participates as a judge. One of her favorite things to do for NAST is design marketing material.
Erika also volunteers with The Richard Crane Memorial Foundation. With this non-profit organization, she co-organizes the Silent Auction for the Richard Crane Memorial Truck Show in St. Ignace, MI. Erika invites you to attend the Richard Crane Memorial Truck Show September 13-16, 2018.