
Taylor International, LLC. hires new International Business Manager

Rose Boxx has joined the Taylor “Big Red ” team as the International Business Development Manager for Taylor International, LLC.

Prior to her position at Taylor International, Rose served as the Director of the State of Mississippi’s International Trade & Affairs Office. Her primary responsibility was the development and implementation of the state’s export and business programs and services globally.

Additionally, Rose led the state’s international affairs and served as the liaison between Mississippi and foreign businesses and governments. Under her leadership, the State of Mississippi was awarded the 2016 President of the United States E Award for excellence in export services.

Rose recently retired from the State of Mississippi with 25 years of service. During her international business career, Rose traveled extensively to over 60 countries. She is a native South American and has lived in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Chile. She moved to the U.S. in 1990 and has lived in Mississippi ever since.

A graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and an MBA from Belhaven University.