Long time UNIRAK employee to retire
Long time UNIRAK employee, Mary Mazurek, has announced her retirement effective January 31, 2013. UNIRAK VP of Marketing and Sales, Eric Gonda, announced, “Mary has been an excellent employee and friend at UNIRAK Storage Systems for 16.5 years. In that ENTIRE span, she hasn’t missed more than 5 days due to illness. She has NEVER taken a lunch hour, she has NEVER been late without car trouble or justifiable issue, she has ALWAYS stayed as late as requested.” Customers and vendors alike who know her, know she takes to heart the delivery of exemplary customer service and continuously fought for quick turn around of quotations, inquiries, freight logistics, and on time shipments. Mary will be sorely missed but certainly deserves some wonderful time off to enjoy her grand kids and not feel the pressure of the UNIRAK hot seat. Thank you Mary – Enjoy retirement! Your friends at UNIRAK.