Women In Trucking and Dock411 offer app to rate shippers
Women In Trucking (WIT) Association’s mission includes removing obstacles that might keep women from entering or succeeding in the trucking industry. One of those obstacles often mentioned by drivers is in not knowing how to prepare for a pick up or delivery. This includes everything from directions to the facility, whether pets are allowed, if Wi-Fi is available and any challenges involved in backing into the dock.
The goal of Dock411 is to make a driver’s stops faster, easier, safer, and less frustrating by showing them details about their stops before they get there. By simply entering the dock address into the app, a driver can read what the company and other drivers have written about it, including details like dock door location, yard hazards, photos of the facility, the ability to park overnight, whether pets are allowed, and up to thirty-five other items. After the stop, drivers can add details about their own experience.
Shippers are encouraged to enter information about their facility by completing an online form. This will help speed up the loading experience and can eliminate unnecessary delays from driver or dispatcher miscommunication.
The most recent version of the Dock411 app includes three questions requested by the Women In Trucking Association specific to female drivers: “Were the personnel helpful?”, “Were you treated like a professional?”, and “Were the restroom facilities adequate?”.
“We are happy to be working with Ellen Voie and Women In Trucking to provide this information so the organization can better prepare both female and male drivers for their warehouse facility experience.” said Dan Serewicz, Dock411 Co-founder. “We believe this will work to improve the industry by removing unexpected surprises from the pickup or delivery operation.”
“A driver once told me how he defined a ‘gravy’ load,” said WIT President/CEO Ellen Voie. “He said it was a shipment with no surprises, and now with the Dock411 app, any driver can be better prepared and will be able to anticipate challenges before he or she arrives at the dock. With Dock411, every load can be a ‘gravy load.”