Pallet Truck attachment adjusts load height for improved order picking
PO Box 1380
Portland, ME 04104-1380
Phone: 508 510-5626
Fax: 508 510 4180
The PalletPal Walkie from Southworth Products is an automatic pallet load leveler that mounts on to any standard electric walkie or walkie/rider pallet truck to make order picking faster, safer and easier. Built on the proven design of PalletPal Level Loaders, the PalletPal Walkie uses a calibrated spring mechanism to automatically adjust the height of a pallet load as boxes are added or removed. The top layer of the load is always at a comfortable, convenient working height allowing employees to load or offload items with no bending, stretching, or awkward posture.
The platform features an anti-slip surface and accepts any type of pallet or skid including GEO and half pallets. Platform recesses and non-skid base treads allow workers to step up close to the load to minimize reaching across the pallet.
No tools are required to mount the PalletPal Walkie on a pallet truck. The specially designed reinforced base frame has generous flared openings at the end of each fork channel to receive the forks of all standard electric walkies for easy pick-up and drop off without binding. Once loaded onto the pallet truck the PalletPal walkie is ready for use with no adjustments or modifications. Whether under load or empty PalletPal Walkie will not slip on the pallet truck forks.
In a typical application, a worker picks orders until a pallet is full and then drops the entire load, including the PalletPal Walkie, in a staging area where the pallet is loaded to a truck by a forklift or stacker. The worker then picks up another PalletPal Walkie and repeats the process.