Graphic Products releases mobile app
A new, free mobile labeling app has just been released by Graphic Products. Created for on-the-go facility managers constantly tasked with solving problems. Labeling Assistant provides users with instant information about pipe marking, GHS/HazCom, OSHA safety signs and office labeling. Available for iPad, iPhone and Android through iTunes and Google Play.
A growing number of our customers use mobile devices. We expect that trend to continue,” said Steve Stevenson, Graphic Products. “This app was developed based on feedback from customers who asked us about using their mobile devices to identify areas needing labeling.”
Market research indicated that the most requested feature was the ability to add text annotations to the pictures taken for a labeling project. With Label Assistant, users can take a picture of a work area, tap on a building support pole in the picture, and enter a phrase such as “place fire extinguisher sign here” as an annotation bubble.
The big benefit? Your mobile device just got smarter and more valuable for your work environment. Now you can use it to ensure OSHA compliance, enhance facility safety, and identify areas in need of improved organization.
Features include:
·Consult a labeling expert to discuss specific challenges.
·Conduct a visual facility walkthrough.
·Calculate label size and print labels from a mobile device.
·Request 5S, Kanban, Kaizen and other reference guides from the Graphic Products resource library.
·Plan a new labeling project.
Label Assistant helps answer the following questions:
How do I start a new project?
How do I take a picture?
How do I fix a mistake in my project?