ETEL’s new Magnetic Tracks for Linear Motors enable more force with no redesign
Offering a track with stronger magnets for their linear motors than previously available, ETEL introduces the new MWD+. This magnet-track family is compatible with any existing LMG and LMS linear motor from ETEL, enabling up to 15% higher continuous and peak forces compared to the existing MWD product.
With the option of more powerful magnets, ETEL is providing a way for customers to give a performance boost to their LMG or LMS linear motors without needing to do any redesigns. All MWD+ magnetic tracks share the exact same physical profile as their MWD counterparts. Because of this, a user can easily increase performance by either upgrading to MWD+ or going from the LMG to an LMS motor that has extra height but otherwise shares the same mechanical profile and magnet tracks. Both of these options allow ETEL component users to increase the performance of a system with minimum mechanical changes.
As part of the HEIDENHAIN Group, ETEL now offers this MWD+ with benefits that translate into higher force density per unit volume, allowing either to improve the overall duty cycle or to run a given duty cycle at lower temperatures.