enVista releases new analytics dashboards for myShipINFO™ global freight audit and payment solution
enVista, aglobal supply chain consulting and IT services firm, announced it has added five new dashboards comprised of over 20 new charts to its proprietary freight audit and payment solution. The dashboards will allow shippers to more easily view and share their transportation data in easy to read, interactive charts for enhanced decision-making and reporting.
Dashboards are a valuable component of myShipINFO®, enVista’s private cloud, web-based global freight audit and payment solution. myShipINFO is designed to provide greater shipment visibility, carrier performance monitoring, management reporting, invoice auditing, currency and Value-Added Tax visibility and carrier payment across all modes of transportation around the world.
The new dashboards highlight a variety of data points, including net spend, audit activity, network analysis, shipment overview and annual summary details. They are designed to allow the shipper to see data graphs at the highest corporate level or at a more granular data set selected by the user. The dashboards also feature drill down functionality all the way to the shipment level. In addition to these features, the dashboard reports and charts are exportable, allowing the user to easily share the charts or embed them in presentations.
Today, freight audit and payment is about more than just saving money on transportation. It is about taking a deep look at your transportation data and being able to make strategic, actionable decisions based on that data. The visibility and simplicity provided by the new myShipINFO dashboards is unmatched, and our clients will quickly realize the benefits provided by this solution,” said enVista Senior Managing Partner, John Stitz.