YRC Freight driving team sets company safety record
YRC Freight announced that the company held an employee safety ceremony for its Albuquerque, N.M. driving team today to celebrate 15 million consecutive accident- and injury-free miles, a company record. The accident- and injury-free streak began in January 2013 and has been accomplished by all 85 members of the Albuquerque professional driving team.
“Having 85 drivers work together to achieve 15 million consecutive accident- and injury-free miles is a testament to the professionalism of the Albuquerque team. It is a real honor to be in Albuquerque with the drivers today so that we can personally pay tribute to their achievement,” said YRC Freight President Darren Hawkins. “The YRC Freight Albuquerque driving team’s safety record is evidence of what a team can do when collectively focused not only on their own safety, but also on the safety of others.”
At the safety celebration held today, the company unveiled a specially designed trailer saluting the drivers’ achievement and will provide each driver with a diecast replica of the equipment. Loaded on the trailer for its first delivery are 85 new child car safety seats. One new child car safety seat is being donated in the name of each member of the YRC Freight Albuquerque driving team who has contributed to the safety milestone. The New Mexico State Transportation Police will distribute the donation to families in need of a new child safety seat.
American Trucking Associations Chairman Phil Byrd spoke at today’s event and representatives from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and New Mexico Transportation Police also were in attendance.