Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show announces two student competitions
The Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show [WIMTS], scheduled for October 8 -10 at Wisconsin State Fair Park, has announced two student competitions encompassing “Team Automation & Robotics” and “Welding”.
LAB Midwest, a provider of world class and relevant e-learning, curriculum and training equipment to education and industry, is presenting the “Team Automation & Robotics” Student Competition along with FANUC. Students are being challenged to put their teamwork, creativity and robotic programming skills to the test in two divisions: college and high school.
TEAMS: Three students will have three hours to design a solution to a proposed
manufacturing objective on a FANUC LRMate 200iD education robot.
OBJECTIVE: To include disciplines of automation design, dual check safety, robot
programming, end of tool selection and more.
JUDGING: By a panel of experts on ability to complete the objective, efficiency,
teamwork and other criteria.
AWARDS: First place teams in each division will win a prize for their school.
Scholarships will also be given to individuals on first, second and third
place teams.
For more information or to register: https://labmidwest.com/team-automation-robotics-competition/
Hastings Air Energy Control, a provider of air filtration products, dust collectors, automation & energy control systems and ventilation equipment [including fume-extracting welding guns and source capture arms] is presenting the Welding Pavilion Student Competition. Also helping sponsor will be Hastings’ suppliers Abicor Binzel, FumeVac, IVEC Systems, Speedy Metals and Welders Supply Company.
This is an individual competition, open to current technical college students.
The Welding Pavilion itself will consist of multiple operating welding stations that will be used to highlight emerging welding technologies, best safety practices related to fume removal technologies and proper methods of ventilation.
COMPETITION OVERVIEW: Students will engage in two processes: 1) Performing a
horizontal 3/16” fillet weld on 10 gauge carbon steel, plus a
vertical down hand 3/16” fillet weld on 10 gauge carbon steel; and
2) Performing a horizontal ¼” fillet weld on ¼” carbon steel, plus a
vertical up ¼” fillet weld on ¼” carbon steel.
JUDGING: By Welders Supply professionals.
AWARDS: Money towards tuition will be granted to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place finishers.
For more info or to register: http://www.hastingsair.com/industry-news-info/
About WIMTS:
The Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show is a biennial event to be held October 8 – 10, 2019 at Wisconsin State Fair Park. It is the Midwest’s industry-leading manufacturing trade show featuring everything from additive manufacturing to robotics, manufacturing centers to welding, tooling and tool management to forming and fabricating and dozens of other essential technologies for today’s marketplace. WIMTS provides the ideal forum for OEMs, tier suppliers and contract manufacturers to investigate and acquire new equipment & technologies that can help them diversify and grow.
“Connections to Technology, Talent & Resources” is the theme of this year’s show, which is aiming to directly connect businesses to the best & brightest manufacturing talent in Wisconsin. One of the Manufacturing Labor Enhancement Initiatives within the show will be its “Connection Reception” Networking Event where students who are participating in the competitions will bring their resumes and meet with exhibitors and VIP attendees on the show floor.