Toyota Cummins check Mike Wolanin | The Republic

Toyota Material Handling and Cummins combined donate $20,000

Toyota Material Handling, USA, Inc.

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The top two CEO’s in Columbus, Ind. came together in a rare appearance to give four charities a check for $5,000.  Brett Wood, president and CEO of Toyota Material Handling North America and Tom Linebarger, chairman and CEO of Cummins gave the check presentations on Thursday, December 13th at the new United Way offices, which is a renovated fire station.

The four charities were the Salvation Army, Lincoln-Center Family Neighborhood Center, United Way 2-1-1 and the Columbus Firemen’s Cheer Fund. All four organizations help the Columbus community year-around by providing food, clothing and services for families in need.

To read more on this event covered by The Republic, click here.