Shoppa’s Saginaw location is ASEC Certified
15217 Grand River Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76155
Phone: 866 506-2200
Fax: 817 359-1110
Highlighting in-depth, efficient organization and customer service
Shoppa’s Material Handling Saginaw location was recently awarded the prestigious Toyota’s After Sales Service Evaluation & Certification (ASEC) status. This certification is awarded to Toyota material handling dealerships that can prove a consistent pattern of organizational skills designed to promote more time for making customer service a priority.
“Since our mission at Shoppa’s is to be the absolute best material handling provider with a laser focus on customer service, receiving ASEC status at our Saginaw location means that our entire team is committed,” said Jim Shoppa, president of Shoppa’s Material Handling.
The ASEC program is designed to encourage dealerships to not only become more organized and efficient, but also to highlight and mandate superior safety processes, including integrating ergonomics and practices into everyday business. A vital component to the ASEC program is applying the principles of the Toyota Production System and 5S (Sort, Systematize, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) to all aspects of the dealership. A large part of that is Kaizen, which means continuous improvement.
“We are proud and delighted to have accomplished ASEC status,” said Andy Reynolds, Saginaw branch manager. “Our entire team has been committed to implementing ASEC into all of our business practices. We all understand and are dedicated to continuous efforts to improve our own efficiency and productivity, which translates into a continued desire to help our customers do the same in their businesses.”
Shoppa’s Saginaw branch is a full-service Toyota dealership, carrying material handling equipment that ranges from Toyota forklifts to full-service warehouse solutions, plus industrial floor cleaning equipment, aerial equipment, utility vehicles and more. Saginaw offers used and rental equipment, as well as training classes.