PTDA Foundation now accepting nominations for 2022 Leadership Awards
Wendy B. McDonald Woman of the Year Award and Robert K. Callahan Future Leaders Award Nominations Open Through June 10
The PTDA Foundation is seeking nominations for its Wendy B. McDonald Woman of the Year Award and Robert (Bob) K. Callahan Future Leaders Award, respectively. As the charitable arm of the Power Transmission Distributors Association, the PTDA Foundation champions education, outreach, and research initiatives relevant to the power transmission/motion control (PT/MC) industry that enhance the knowledge and/or professionalism and productivity for industry stakeholders.
The Wendy B. McDonald Woman of the Year Award recognizes a woman who, at any stage of her career, is bringing about change as an integral contributor to the success of her company and the PT/MC industry. The PTDA Foundation established the award in 2014 to honor the memory of Wendy B. McDonald, one of the PT/MC industry’s true pioneers known for her legendary charm, philanthropy, and commitment to giving back to the industry and the communities that led to her success. Barbara Ross, Garlock Sealing Technologies, was named the 2021 recipient of the award.
The Wendy B. McDonald Woman of the Year Award is presented annually when merited. Nominations will be accepted through June 10, 2022, and judged by the following criteria:
- The nominee must be a female.
- The nominee must exemplify leadership and integrity in all business relationships.
- There are no criteria with respect to title, position in the company, or years of experience.
- The nominee may work anywhere in the world. Employment by a firm headquartered in Canada is a plus.
- The nominee need not be employed full-time by a PTDA member company or be employed within the calendar year for which the nomination is made.
- Employment with a PTDA distributor member is a plus.
The Robert (Bob) K. Callahan Future Leaders Award recognizes young and ambitious individuals who demonstrate a passion and drive to grow within the PT/MC industry. The late Bob Callahan made a lifelong commitment to the support and advancement of next-generation trailblazers in the PT/MC industry. The award was established in his honor. In October 2021 Chris Gumas, Ruland Manufacturing Co., was the inaugural recipient of the award.
Nominations are due by June 10, 2022. There are no criteria with respect to title or position within a company; however, nominees must meet the following requirements:
- Working in the industry for at least five years.
- Employed by a PTDA member organization at the time of nomination and at presentation.
- Exemplifies leadership and integrity in all business relationships.
Nomination forms can be found at ptda.org/WBMcDonaldAward. and ptda.org/CallahanAward, respectively. Both awards will be presented at the PTDA Industry Summit in Nashville, Tenn. in October.