Port of Long Beach Pier B Rail Facility Project meeting set June 2
The Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility project team will update the public on the status of the Port of Long Beach project during a virtual community meeting at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 2nd.
Click here to register. You can join this virtual meeting from a computer, phone and other mobile devices. A recording of the meeting will be posted at www.polb.com/PierB for those unable to participate.
The planned Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility is the centerpiece of the Port of Long Beach’s $1 billion rail program. It will shift more cargo to “on-dock rail,” where containers move to and from marine terminals by trains. Transporting cargo by on-dock rail is cleaner and more efficient, as it reduces truck traffic. No cargo trucks would visit the facility. Instead, smaller train segments would be brought to the facility and joined together into a full-sized train.
Construction is set to begin in 2023. The first arrival, departure, and storage tracks are expected to be completed in 2024, with additional tracks coming online in 2030, followed by project completion in 2032. View the project fact sheet and more information at the project page.
Requests for translation must be received by May 28. Call Veronica Quezada at (562) 283-7722 for translation or assistance registering for the event. Comuníquese con Veronica Quezada al (562) 283-7722 antes del viernes 28 de mayo para obtener servicios de interpretación o asistencia con el registro.