Port of Long Beach Harbor Department moves to new home
Port of Long Beach administrative staff have completed their move to the new Long Beach Civic Center, close to harbor facilities they manage for the benefit of the local, state and national economies.
On Monday night, public officials and a crowd of hundreds gathered to celebrate the grand opening of the complex, which includes the Port Administration Building, a new City Hall, Main Library, Lincoln Park and private development. The Port’s total project cost is $235.2 million.
Long Beach Harbor Commission President Tracy Egoscue said the Port is thrilled to see its dream of a new home realized.
“This new headquarters furthers the Harbor Commission’s commitment to environmental stewardship — and will provide a safe, efficient and effective workplace to better serve the Port’s industry partners, the community and all of the Port stakeholders,” said Egoscue.
“The Port knows it is an integral part of the City of Long Beach, and we are happy to be next-door neighbors with the new City Hall,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero. “We are building the Port of the Future and we are building it for Long Beach. We’re working hard to keep the cargo coming and make sure that we continue to energize the economy and sustain more than 50,000 jobs in Long Beach alone.”
The Port Administration Building was constructed to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental program’s Gold standard. Features include photovoltaic panels that offset 25% of electricity consumption, an exterior that maximizes natural light exposure during the day, an underfloor air distribution system to reduce energy used for heating and cooling, and cisterns to manage stormwater runoff and irrigate the site.
About 360 Harbor Department employees relocated over the last three weeks to the new Administration Building from an interim facility near the Long Beach Airport they have worked at since February 2014. The Department’s previous Administration Building opened in 1960 and was found to be seismically unsafe.
The Port of Long Beach’s new mailing address is:
415 W. Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802
Phone numbers and email addresses remain the same. For information on visitor parking at the Port Administration Building, click here.