NRF statement on proposed Warehouse Safety Bill
The National Retail Federation today issued the following statement from Executive Vice President of Government Relations David French after members of Congress announced plans to introduce the “Warehouse Worker Protection Act.”
“Data from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have consistently shown that warehouse workplaces are safe workplaces. NRF member companies are continually investing in better practices, more modern equipment, and innovative employee engagement efforts to make these workspaces as safe as possible.
“Despite that, this legislation would overturn decades of employment and labor law, erode employers’ private property rights and unjustifiably expand the federal government’s intrusion into American workplaces.
“The bill mandates that OSHA promulgate an ergonomics standard, despite a 2001 law passed by bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress that permanently barred OSHA from regulating ergonomics for numerous reasons, including the impossibility of separating workers’ pain from away-from-work life activities, a lack of clear scientific evidence to support such a standard and the massive costs. There is no new rationale for undoing Congress’ prohibition, and NRF strongly opposes this bill.”
As the leading authority and voice for retail, NRF will continue to advocate for workplace rules that promote workplace flexibility and economic growth.