JLT Mobile Computers reports rapid Growth and Contributes to record 2018 Results
Enters 25th anniversary year in excellent shape after closing 2018 with the strongest order intake and financial results in the company’s history
JLT Mobile Computers, a leading developer and manufacturer of reliable computers for demanding environments – and renowned for its high-level of support and flexibility in addressing customer challenges – reports record results for fiscal year 2018 (full details of the JLT Year-end Report, published 2019-02-08, are available here). Operating in an industry where the annual growth has been steady around 5% over the past couple of years, JLT reinforces its position as a leading player in the high-end of the rugged computer market with an increase in revenues by 15% and order intake by almost 30%, reaching a record level in the 25-year history of the company.
JLT achieved these outstanding results by offering high-quality products with leading performance and reliability, broadening its product offering and expanding into services. A major milestone signifying the company’s strategy to evolve from a distinct hardware supplier to a more comprehensive solution provider offering a mix of products, accessories and services to address customer needs, was the launch of JLT Technology Services™ for the important and growing US market. Here, the company now offers installation and maintenance services along with servicing of both JLT’s own and third-party products. With the objective to increase business value to its customers, further expansion in the services sector and offering similar services in Europe as well is part of the long-term strategy.
On the product side, 2018 saw the launch of the JLT6012™ logistics computer, which is the first vehicle-mounted PC to be developed on JLT’s next generation technology platform that will form the basis of future solutions and specifically targets the warehousing and logistics sector. As the fastest ramping new product in the history of JLT, sales of the new JLT6012 computer started off strong, especially in the US market. Further JLT product expansions in 2018 included the launch of several fully rugged Android-based tablet and hand-held products.
Next to expanding its service and product portfolio, JLT also continued to broaden its customer base within existing target markets such as warehousing logistics, ports and mining, and by driving expansion into additional sectors such as agriculture.
“I am immensely proud of our highly qualified employees and the trust our customers are awarding us, which yielded record-breaking results for 2018, and am looking forward to building on this success in 2019, our 25th anniversary year,” says Per Holmberg, CEO of JLT Mobile Computers. “Throughout 2019 we will continue to develop our organization and offering to meet customers’ needs with the best possible combination of products, accessories and services.”