FOX IV achieves sustainability milestone
FOX IV is proud to have achieved Scope 3 compliance of Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition.
Supplier LOCT is an educational platform for suppliers, and a company collaborative for their buyers (LOCT partners). It was created to accelerate action towards reducing supply chain carbon emissions.
Guidehouse facilitates an instructional seminar series with levels of progress designed to help suppliers create a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint, adopt reduction targets, disclose emissions, and explore abatement measures. The collaboration is standardizing the way forward for LOCT partners seeking to deliver on their Scope 3 climate reduction targets.
This achievement signifies FOX IV’s development of a Scope 3 greenhouse footprint that meets GHG Protocol and Science-Based Targets Initiative standards with the support of the Supplier LOCT collaborative. It affirms our shared ambition to reduce GHG emissions and align with industry standards.