AAR President and CEO statement on 2016 election results
Edward R. Hamberger, president and CEO of the Association of American Railroads (AAR), issued the following statement in light of the 2016 federal election results:
“A highly contested election season is behind us and leaders in Washington, D.C. will now shift their focus to policymaking. American industry, including the freight rail sector, is eager to work with a new administration and Congress, helping advance policies that will spur economic growth, support quality jobs and further cement the United States as a global leader.” On the Presidential: “Congratulations to Donald Trump and his entire campaign team. As a business leader, Mr. Trump understands many of the economic challenges facing this country. As such, we hope he will move quickly on issues such as comprehensive tax reform that reduces the corporate rate, a review and reform of the broken regulatory system and an embracement of fair and open trade. These policies, as well as the steady presence of America’s privately owned freight rail network, are critical to enacting much of Mr. Trump’s agenda, including public infrastructure investment.” On the Senate: “Leaders of both parties in Congress, particularly the Senate Commerce Committee, have long recognized the value and impact of our private freight rail network. We look forward to continued dialogue on our most important issues – including stopping unfounded regulatory efforts at the U.S. Surface Transportation Board – and are eager to begin a new legislative session.