Generational Content Marketing: How to optimize your content for every age group
Start Optimizing Your Content for Every Age Group with the Newest Infographic from Koeppel Direct
It’s no secret that targeting your marketing to specific groups of people can do wonders to save money, increase revenue and better convert leads into customers. But when it comes to determining how to reach audiences based on their age or generation, it’s crucial to know where they are and what speaks to them most powerfully.
A new infographic from Koeppel Direct, the Dallas-based direct-to-consumer advertising agency, gives us an at-a-glance look at the needs and wants of different generational groups, and offers actionable tips for best reaching them with the content they like best.
“We know that today’s ultra-fractured audiences can be hard to reach, even if you’re perfectly on message,” explained Peter Koeppel, the agency’s president and founder. “We don’t see this as a deterrent, however, and encourage clients and marketers to try a different platform or approach in this situation. With that in mind, we have put together a great generational content marketing resource to help do just that,” Koeppel added.
Knowing your audience is just step one of the equation. The all-important step two is to find where the audience is and what they best engage and interact with. Today’s marketer needs to be familiar with several different groups of people, from Baby Boomers to Millennials to Generation Z. Wrong messages or wrong platforms can mean wasted budgets and other valuable resources. To help avoid just that, this generational content marketing infographic breaks audiences-by-generation down in numbers based on important metrics like population, smartphone usage, social media platform use and more.
Some of the most interesting findings include these:
- Baby Boomers prefer text-light content on Facebook, with a range of about 300 words considered ideal.
- Generation X is a big fan of longer-form video with 30 seconds being the sweet spot for mobile video ads.
- Millennials are online shoppers to the core.
- Generation Z prefers video content and is highly influenced by social media.
Grouping viewers by generation can help you drive your message home with greater precision, increased interaction and less ad spend per quality lead.
View the complete infographic at: https://www.koeppeldirect.com/