Eight steps to transform your Corporate Culture

The engagement level of your workforce expands beyond the limits of offering tangibles such as a great benefits package, competitive market rates, flexible work schedules and challenging projects. Your company culture is truly your competitive advantage. Most leaders are intent on shaping a constructive, collaborative and innovative workplace; however, accomplishing this eludes most. The following 8 steps are tried-and-true advances...

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Happy Anniversary to the UPC Barcode!

Today, June 26, marks the 45th anniversary of the first Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode scan—a milestone that ushered in the modern shopping experience that we know today, and opened the door to more automation and efficiency in the supply chain. The ubiquitous black-and-white symbol represents continued supply chain industry collaboration that has helped propel global commerce forward in numerous ways. Consider these key facts...

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Four Supply Chain Safety Tips for National Safety Awareness month

In recognition of National Safety Awareness Month (June), ORBIS® Corporation, an international leader in reusable packaging, wants companies to evaluate the safety of their supply chains. The following four tips revolve around the use of reusable packaging to help create a clean and safe work environment for employees in manufacturing and distribution settings. Tip 1: Decrease risk with innovative materials It’s difficult to predict...

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The Eeyore Syndrome

We have all dealt with it.Someone in the organization that’s an Eeyore. Maybe it’s someone on your team, or maybe it’s even the head of your department. What is an Eeyore? In the story, he is generally a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, and anhedonic character. Pessimistic, gloomy and depressed people usually wear their unhappiness on their sleeve for all to see like Eeyore. But outside of a diagnosed condition, this...

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Lessons from the Military to deliver Improved Retail Customer Experience

Retailing is a business model that is challenged by e-tailers and customer expectations that demand an ever-improving customer experience.  Despite the pressure of e-tailers, traditional retail still delivers some of our best customer experiences that consumers desire and return to repurchase that same level of high service.   Surprisingly, military leadership and military strategy skills can help retailers deliver some of their very...

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Are you Committed to be a Sales Crusader?

Is your sales income what it should be? Want to double it? Take 30 minutes and read something about The Crusades. They were much more than a religious war. The Crusades were about people going after what they believed in…passionately. They did it regardless of the hardship and risk. Do you? Are you a Sales Crusader? Sales is not a religion, but it is a way of life. It should not consume your life, rather it should be incorporated into...

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Discounting the aftermarket

I hate discounts for one reason.  I call it price gravity.  Give a mouse a cookie, and soon enough he will want a glass of milk.   Where do you draw the line?  Do you have a hard and fast “criterion” for issuing discounts?  Are there commitments that must be honored by BOTH sides to continue offering a discount?  Do discounts have expiration dates, or at least re-assessment dates? As much as I hate them, I understand that discounts...

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