Are you a tyrant of small things?
Most of us never get formal training on how to lead a team, let alone lead an organization. Many simply learn on the job and make their way through the ranks, picking up both good and bad traits along the way. Sometimes, new leaders get the opportunity to attend “leadership” training programs and learn some basics. However, there’s still a preponderance of organizational leaders who don’t empower others,...
The decline of the trusted professional relationship—and six steps you can take to reverse It
Are your professional relationships as strong as you need them to be? If not, that’s bad news as they’re the foundation of career success. The good news? Andrew Sobel says there are specific steps you can take to overhaul these relationships, create more of them, and move from struggling to thriving We live in a low-trust world. Over the last several decades, nearly every measure of trust has declined. What’s more,...
Show your employees some Valentine’s Day love by becoming a better you
The best leaders never stop helping employees succeed. But before you can help them, you must first help yourself. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Quint Studer shares tips on how to love your team by holding up the mirror…and giving them the gift of a better you With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be looking for ways to show your employees that you care. Instead of handing out cards, flowers, or...
Why leaders need to understand every behavior has a purpose
Behavior is what humans do, and it’s observable and measurable. Whether it is to walk from one place to another or to crack one’s knuckles, behavior serves some type of function and provides a consequence or reinforcement for the behavior. When leaders successfully identify the function of their organizational behaviors, one can reinforce an alternate, acceptable behaviors that will replace them. When an employee has a...
Military Special Operations skills that drive Success & Innovation through engaged teams
People inside and outside the military are constantly fascinated with Special Operations Forces (SOF). People love the high-tech equipment, silent weapons, dangerous scenarios, and thrilling missions. Any military force can have great weapons, great equipment, and great physical fitness and remain unsuccessful. What makes SOF soldiers successful is their teamwork, planning, and leadership skills that are augmented with great...
Maintaining a leadership EDGE in turbulent times
Why is it that some people seem to weather any business storm or crisis without appearing to break into a sweat? How is it that they always seem able to recover from a stumble and move on to even greater success? Are they immune to failure because they have won the Success Lottery? No. Those who achieve success during turbulent times do so because they have an EDGE to their approach to leadership: They understand the value of external...
Eight things leaders can do to cut out “Noise” at work (and why we must)
Information overload and endless digital disruptions are crippling your employees and harming your business. Joe McCormack shares strategies to help employees manage the “noise” so they can stay focused and give you their best Remember when we thought “more” was better? In a more innocent time, leaders really believed the more information people had, the smarter they’d be, the better decisions...