What will change Post-Coronavirus

It’s an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 epidemic has turned virtually all business on its head. With virtually the entire world on partial or complete lockdown, this is the opportunity to examine what the business world will look like once we get through this pandemic. While many might believe that our world will dramatically change, it’s more likely that many people and organizations will want to...

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How marketing leaders can both manage the coronavirus crisis and plan for the future

In the economic recovery from the pandemic, marketing—the link between businesses and their customers—will play a pivotal role. Planning starts now The COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented. The speed with which it has spread and its effects on families and daily life have led to a deep sense of fear, anxiety, and confusion. The human toll has devastated many of us and continues to drive home the reality that the coronavirus is a tragedy...

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Dave Baiocchi: Hitting the reset button

I am writing this column on April 9th.  It’s Tuesday, during one of the most painful and deadly weeks of the COVID-19 crisis. For most people in our industry, life has changed.  The severity of the change is more evident in some departments than in others, but let’s face it, a pandemic will change the way you operate.  Forklift dealerships were on the government’s “essential” services list during the crisis. Our services are still...

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Business Tax relief provided by the Cares Act

As businesses seek to navigate the current reality, it is imperative they understand the relief opportunities provided by the federal government. With the signing of the CARES Act, there are business tax provisions that should be considered by business owners and executives. Here we review the tax relief provisions for businesses. Payroll Tax Credit The CARES Act provides for a refundable payroll tax credit for 50% of wages paid by...

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“How do I let good people go at a time like this?” Six ways to deliver the bad news with love

Right now, with anxiety at an all-time high, how you do the dreaded deed really matters. Deb Boelkes says heartfelt leaders approach layoffs the same way they lead—with compassion, candor, and reassurance about the future No leader wants to let an employee go. Unfortunately, in these harsh and uncertain economic times, more and more of us find ourselves having to deliver some very bad news. Without question, it’s one of the most...

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How to manage COVID-19 related business risks

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has had a crippling effect on the global economy. This is clearly uncharted territory. As millions around the globe do their best to minimize their exposure to the virus, business owners and managers face an uncertain and stressful future. Faced with faltering demand, anxious employees, health safety risks and a lack of clarity regarding what the future holds, what can small and medium-sized...

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Leading in Uncertain Times: 10 ways to help employees cope with the pandemic

Quint Studer says how leaders behave right now will be remembered long after this crisis has passed. Here are some things you can do to help employees stay calm, focused, and informed As the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold, we’re all being impacted in various ways, many of them pretty dramatic. Everyone is feeling more than a little fear and anxiety about the future. If you’re a business leader, says Quint Studer, lots of...

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