Be an Industry Disruptor: Five keys to making positive change

Everyone has the potential to be an industry leader. These leaders are the ones who transform the world—who disrupt their industry and launch massive and positive change. The challenge is that too many people are comfortable and complacent with where they are. They’ve settled into the pattern of reacting to disruptions rather than causing them. Think about your own industry and how it’s changed over the years. Who initiated the...

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The real reason why change initiatives fail

Many of the major problems that we see which impact the success of organizational change efforts are coordination failures. In short, any organizational problems are only solvable if everyone can agree to do the same thing at the same time. When a team is tasked with implementing change, oftentimes, individuals will not necessarily choose what’s best for the group, but for themselves. People frequently choose what makes sense...

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Status Report: Your Pandemic financial position

Status Report: Your Pandemic financial position By now all dealers should understand their PANDEMIC financial position in terms of where they started (Mid-March), where they stand today and where they need to be to get fully comfortable they will come out of this situation still standing. A TOUGH ASSIGNMENT CONSIDERING NOBODY KNOWS WHAT TO EXPECT AND WHEN TO EXPECT IT. Here is what I recommend: Prepare budgets for three Sales Levels...

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Sales Managers success requirements are tough

Stop managing, start leading. Sales managers beware. No one wants a manager, but everyone wants a leader. If you think about it, there are great world leaders, but no great world managers. There is one universal misconception among every bad sales manager they all think they’re doing a great job! There are thousands of sales managers (and bosses) who do a great job and unfortunately, at least an equal amount who don’t. Many sales...

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Business in a Post COVID-19 world

As I write this article in early May, I am hoping that by the time it hits your inbox, COVID-19 will be solidly in the rear-view mirror, and you will be experiencing some sense of normalcy and return to business as usual.  All of that remains to be seen.  Businesses are already fretting over how to hit the restart button, and what kind of regulatory hurdles they will encounter to demonstrate safe operation and due diligence.  Company...

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Happy employees don’t just happen. Here’s how to create them—and why it’s even more vital now

The economy is a mixed bag right now: We’ve recently gotten a surprisingly sunny job report and an official declaration of recession. Deb Boelkes says both facts should cue leaders to focus on employee happiness. Here are eight ways to get started Happy employees are the best kind. They work hard, keep customers loyal, and stick around to help your organization accomplish its mission. You definitely want them on your team. This...

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PPP Loan Forgiveness takes another turn

Chicago businesses that received a loan from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) have been awaiting guidance on loan forgiveness. Since the PPP was launched quickly to distribute desperately needed business funds, the traditional process for developing and publishing guidance has been bypassed. This has resulted in a piecemeal approach to providing information on loan forgiveness and even the delayed publication of the PPP Loan...

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