Your plan of attack

Now that we are in the Fall of this wonderful 2020, I thought I would address planning for 2021. But sitting here 35 days before the election I find myself wondering how to address the topic I planned on covering. Considering the uncertainty on many fronts including the election, the COVID-19 mess, forthcoming stimulus programs, the rising government debt, interaction with China, mystery surrounding GDP growth, and further unrest...

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Automation surges during Pandemic

Automation in the warehouse setting has been increasing in recent decades, as companies look to boost efficiency and safety. Toss in a pandemic that necessitates social distancing within warehouses and is also driving a surge in e-commerce across industries, and automation becomes, even more, a part of the conversation. How are businesses approaching warehouse automation considering the ongoing issue of COVID-19? This month, Material...

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Get Energized! Five tips to create energy in your Virtual Presentations

Whether you’re new to working remotely or have been doing it for years, you know one thing is true: Giving virtual presentations via Zoom and other online meeting platforms can be a challenge. Many professionals feel that online meetings lack the excitement and passion that comes naturally during face-to-face communication. And they’re right! The fact is that energy is contagious. When you’re speaking to a live audience, whether it’s...

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Is your Value Proposition actually working?

A value proposition’s job is to gravitate your prospects towards your business. To stand out. To connect and resonate. Customers are constantly looking for unique benefits and advantages they can capitalize on – but too many organizational value props are focused more on the company than the customer. They aren’t framed through the eyes, perspective, and context of the customer’s needs, wants, and challenges....

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Are you afraid of your customers?

I heard the oddest thing, and I’ve heard it multiple times over the course of my career. Companies that are afraid to ask their customers what they want. Or ask them how the organization is performing. Or involve them in a new product or service creation. It’s quite intriguing, as a customer-centricity expert, to hear this resistance. While some claim they “already know what customers need”, an overwhelming...

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Why do I have to praise someone just for doing their job?

Do you ever feel like there is way too much appreciation going on in your workplace? If you said no, you’re not alone. Your team would probably say the same thing. A Gallup survey revealed that 65% of employees haven’t received recognition in the last year. This directly correlates to the studies that consistently report that 2/3 of American workers are disengaged. Employees who don’t receive recognition are 51% more likely to look...

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A landslide of layoffs is coming—How to do the dreaded deed kindly

As the pandemic continues, so do the job losses. If you’re a leader, you may find yourself having to lay people off or make “temporary” furloughs permanent. Award-winning author Deb Boelkes says how you do it matters—and she offers some guidelines on delivering the bad news with love In March, the world suffered a huge shock. As the economy ground to a halt, layoffs and furloughs reverberated through the labor market. Six months...

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