Four Golden Rings to Re-Branding

Everyone is re-branding their business… new logos… new slogans… new business cards… the list goes on.  But why are you ‘re-branding’ in the first place?  The tens of thousands of dollars being spent are meaningless unless you have: 1) a firm grasp of what it really means to ‘brand’ and, 2) if the ‘rebranding’ isn’t founded on reimagining the customer experience. So, what is re-branding?  You will find a plethora of definitions across...

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Expose yourself to No and Not Now to get a Yes

97% of all sales are not made on the first call. It takes five to ten exposures (follow-ups) to a prospect to make the first sale. The prospect may not actually say “no” each time, but each time you follow-up and the prospect doesn’t buy, he’s saying: “not now, buddy; do something else for me; I’m still shopping around; I haven’t met with my partner; try again later; in short, you haven’t sold me yet”. As a professional salesperson,...

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Leveraging our most important assets

Let’s face it.  We all are ready to bid goodbye to 2020.   With the obvious exception of 2008-2009, this year has created the highest level of disruption not only to our economic well-being, but more notably to our personal relationships, and social equilibrium.  By the time you read this, election results will hopefully be behind us.  Half of the country will be celebrating while the other half mourns.  The resulting fallout may be...

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2021 based on 2020. The way I see it.

When Dean, the General Manager & Publisher of Material Handling Wholesaler, gave me this topic to cover for the January 21 issue I thought “Gee Dean, if I knew the answer to this question, I would be in my private jet heading to the Caribbean with my hot wife, a case of Scotch, and five boxes of Churchill size cigars.” But after settling down, curiosity got the better of me and I started researching the storyline and jotting down...

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IRS issues revenue rulings on PPP Expense Deductibility

Since May, when the IRS published Revenue Ruling 2020-32, indicating that the expenses paid with PPP loan proceeds would be non-deductible, there have been many unanswered questions on how the IRS intends to approach companies who may have received PPP loans and either did not apply for or did not receive their forgiveness before the end of their tax year. Given that many organizations will not know the fate of their forgiveness until...

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Your Employees kept you going this year. Thanksgiving 2020 is the Perfect Time to Step Up Your Gratitude Game

While scrambling to keep their business alive in tough times, leaders may forget to thank someone essential: their employees. Deb Boelkes says it’s time for that to change. And she shares some heartfelt ways to show gratitude this Thanksgiving Thanksgiving might look a little different for your employees this year. They may not be doing much traveling due to COVID-19, and their family gatherings are likely to be small, quiet affairs....

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Sales Fitness Exercises. Are you doing enough of them?

If you would do it later why wouldn’t you do it now? I met a guy on the plane who was an area director for a major shoe store chain. “Suppose I went into your store and the shoe I wanted was out of stock in my size what would happen,” I queried. “Well, that shoe store has the capability of finding those shoes in our other stores and then asks (tells) the customer to go to the other store to pick them up.” “Can’t you just ship them to...

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