Job Shock: Solving the Pandemic & 2030 Employment Meltdown Part VII: Final Word: A Decisive Skilled Talent Decade
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a pivotal time in history. It has caused disastrous disruptions to the world’s economies including that of the United States and radically shifted people’s priorities. During the pandemic, many who lost their jobs when their employers downsized or disappeared were struggling to find good-paying jobs. As pandemic restrictions started to be lifted in the spring of 2021, sizeable numbers of people have not...
‘Don’t Hesitate’ Women in material handling talk about the opportunities and evolution of the business
When it comes to chances for the advancement of women in material handling, Amber Schenck has seen the momentum building. “I see that tide starting to turn. I do see more things being put in place to help empower women,” she said. Schenck is a field service supervisor for Toyota ProLift and has been with the company for three and a half years. Coming from the service industry, the business was her first introduction to industrial...
Breaking down the silos
Last month we discussed how the departments, or “profit centers” in our dealerships give rise to inter-departmental tension, and “silo-building” activities that if left unchecked, can easily affect customer service and efficiency in negative ways. I wanted to take some time this month to talk about organizational practices and policy standards that help to deconstruct these silos before they even have a chance to affect customer...
Why we misinterpret wants and needs as problems
I’ve spoken with hundreds of executives, CEOs, and business leaders about their organizational challenges. Across all industries, many of the problems are the same. We need more sales/revenue/members. We need more innovation from our employees. We need to reduce costs. We need to reduce attrition (of customers/employees). Sound familiar? In addition, there are other, more narrow, and specific problems that are voiced as well. We...
Four tips for Optimizing Wireless Automated material handling operations
Automation has become an irreversible trend, especially as the pandemic has affected industries around the world. This trend presents companies with both new opportunities as well as challenges. While e-commerce is on the rise, it has also led to increased pressure on logistics and rising raw material demand as economies recover and labor shortages worsen. These events have propelled the need for automation into the global spotlight...
Six mindsets to help your team reboot
Did you know that 7.6 million people quit their jobs in the months of April and May of 2021? Reports of loneliness at work are as high as ever. Divorce rates are up 34% from last year. To say people have been a little stressed would be an understatement. Let’s dig a little deeper into what the research is also telling us. 9 out of every 10 employees say they want to work for a more meaningful culture. People want to feel like they are...
Is time-bound memory causing you to be stuck in the status quo?
I recently had to get a CT Scan. I was nervous about the procedure because my father had a terrible reaction to the contrast dye used for the imaging, and even had to be resuscitated on the scanning table. I thought there would be a high likelihood that as his daughter, I may have a similar reaction. I spoke with the doctor, who quickly dismissed my concerns. He said there was nothing to worry about, and the team was highly trained in...