What’s the hype in hyperautomation?

Coined by Gartner to describe one of the biggest automation trends of 2020, the concept of hyperautomation has rapidly spread across the industry. But how does it differ from regular automation, and is it a viable option for manufacturers who don’t wish to revolutionize their entire production or assembly lines? Here Claudia Jarrett, US country manager at automation parts supplier EU Automation, explains the fundamentals of...

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Review of the North American Lithium Forklift Battery Market: The Seven most popular brands in the USA and Canada

The major factors responsible for the growth of the global lithium market are the increasing number of applications in battery-powered equipment and the need for cleaner energy sources. Increased demand is created by various industries, particularly the electric vehicle/auto industry and the energy storage system industry. Ongoing research and innovations in lithium applications are expected to provide opportunities for further...

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How to respond to Vaccine Misinformation in the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way many Americans worked last year. So many businesses suffered as a result of the virus, with some having to close their doors completely. Now, thanks to the vaccine rollout, things are starting to get back to normal and workplaces are reopening – even if we still have a long way to go. As of now, nearly 400 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the U.S. But, that number would...

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How Cisco-Eagle increased the quality of their sales leads

As the fourth quarter is upon us, it’s probably clear whether reality is meeting yearly expectations. If you require generous fourth-quarter sales to achieve your quarterly and yearly sales quota, you still may be able to meet your projections. A year ago, Cisco-Eagle, a material handling company headquartered in Dallas, TX was conducting extensive research in order to uncover sales leads. They were utilizing Google News and press...

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Top packaging trend innovations in 2021 and beyond

The global packaging industry is increasingly investing in smart automation and eco-friendly solutions, customizing their offerings as per a wide range of end-use verticals. The volume of packaging materials has witnessed a significant jump since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With higher sales of consumer electronics and zero plastic waste objectives, innovations such as 3D printing, automated processes, and circular economies...

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The Get-Real Factor. Your service builds or destroys your business

Customers don’t makeup stories about you or your business it is you who create them. The customer simply retells them. How the story is told, and what the content is, is up to you. It’s based on your actions or reactions, combined with their interpretations and perceptions. These stories create the basis for the most powerful form of advertising known to mankind. Word-of-mouth. It is estimated that more than 50% of American business...

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Been here before

Most people reading this probably have been, and again, the younger members of your team may not, and could probably use some education to help them be more effective in this current work environment. What I am planning to discuss this month is how the lift truck industry fared during the last financial fiasco (2008-2009) compared to what you are experiencing this time around (2020-2021 and maybe 2022). Neither event was pleasant, and...

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