The 24-hour reality of Time Management-Yes!

“I don’t have enough time.” Ever say that? What does it mean? I want more hours in the day or I’m not using my allotted time (24 hours) to my best advantage. (What we need is a 36-hour day. That way we could work 24 hours and still get a good 8 hours of sleep.) The reality is that most people don’t need more time, they just need to reprioritize the time they’ve got that’s not productive. Sales time management is no different. All...

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For the past six years, I have had the distinct honor of writing for Material Handling Wholesaler.  When I left my dealership to enter the consulting world in late 2016, I had no idea what to expect.  I was well aware of many of the challenges that lie under the surface of the day-to-day operations in a dealership.  My own company tackled some of these things head-on, and along the way, found innovative solutions that we never...

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156 new plans for Industrial Manufacturing Investment – Top locations for July 2022

Industrial SalesLeads has announced the July 2022 results for the newly planned capital project spending report for the Industrial Manufacturing industry. The Firm tracks North American planned industrial capital project activity; including facility expansions, new plant construction, and significant equipment modernization projects. Research confirms 156 new projects with Texas leading the top locations for July. The following are...

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Bust Out of Service Fatigue: The What, Where, Why and How behind a decline in Customer Service Excellence

Does it feel like no matter how hard you try to please your customer, it isn’t enough? Are you in charge of leading others and the faster you train teams and build energy, the quicker it seems to fade? Are you a business owner feeling hopeless about the never-ending needs of staff AND customers while trying to achieve a profitable bottom line? You’re exhausted, right? This exhaustion is what’s called service fatigue, defined as that...

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What to do in the current Finance, Rental and Leasing world

This should be fun! Here I sit putting my thoughts together on July 27 waiting on Mr. Powell to announce how much Fed Fund rates are increasing this month. I will assume a .75% increase which should make some people happy and others looking for a window ledge to climb out on. Obviously, those that leveraged up to take advantage of the super low rates are trying to figure out how to make the next debt service payment. On the other...

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Gordon Report: Why job vacancies are surging & likely to continue

The Great Disruption Aftermath As the labor market starts recovering from the severe disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some reasons for hope and many reasons for concern. The labor participation rate which continues to remain 1.1 percent lower than before the pandemic’s start, may rise somewhat as normal schooling enables more women to return to the workforce and the fear of contracting COVID subsides. On the...

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Getting On-the-Job Training Right: Four strategies to start using now

“I learned so much during orientation. It’s too bad I won’t use most of it for six months. I took some notes, but I’m sure I won’t remember half of what they told me to do.”  “I’m overwhelmed. I learned a new piece of equipment today. The person showing me what to do knew everything. The problem I had was the deep dives. He spent so much time on troubleshooting techniques. It was just too much for my first day.”  “I can follow the...

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