Can your WMS do that? What the modern warehouse needs

In our first blog we covered how omnichannel shopping has meant both B2B companies and B2C consumers are making smaller, more frequent orders, with tighter delivery windows and higher costs to fulfill them. The technology at the heart of most packaged warehouse management systems, utilizing traditional wave fulfillment, is about 25 years old. When it was developed, Amazon and e-commerce didn’t exist. Although the wave remains very...

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Steiger family’s induction into Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers’ Hall of Fame coincides with half-century of tractor manufacturing in Fargo

Innovators in four-wheel drive articulated tractor design honored for contribution to agricultural engineering / Current site of Case IH Steiger and Quadtrac production at Fargo, North Dakota, celebrates half-century of manufacturing in 2019 John, Maurice and Douglass Steiger, the father and sons who built the first Steiger articulated 4wd tractor more than 60 years ago, have been inducted into the Association of Equipment...

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Industry remains charged up about lithium-ion batteries

Though lithium-ion technology has been around for more than two decades, it’s just recently that this technology has been available in material handling applications. “We’re definitely in an evolution, if you think of it as crawl-walk-run adaptation, we’re still in that crawl stage,” says Jennifer de Souza, senior director of Energy Solutions & Procurement for Raymond. “There’s a lot of shiny objects.” But that interest and buzz...

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Why are my new hires under-performing?

Potential does not guarantee performance. How many times have we seen it in sports? A top draft pick who never pans out. The offspring or sibling of an athletic superstar who displays the same physical gifts but somehow bombs out. Sports drafting is not a perfect analog to staffing, but it suffices to make a point: You can’t assume that an applicant who displays high potential will automatically turn in a top performance on the job....

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How many of you ever had a course in listening skills?

“How to listen” lessons were never offered as part of any formal education. It’s amazing… the skills we need the most are never taught in school. We watch Netflix, listen to podcasts, and put our favorite songs on shuffle. We can quote the episode the next day, or sing the songs word for word. But if your spouse or child says something, you say, “What?” or “I didn’t hear you.” How...

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The Internet—Friend or foe in material handling

The internet and the technological revolution – the shift these changes have brought to the workplace is unmistakable and unavoidable. From sales and shipping, to operations, to communications both internal and external, technological tools have infiltrated nearly all aspects of the material handling industry. This month, Material Handling Wholesaler asked some of our readers how these tools are playing out within their...

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Four Measurable Objectives

A few weeks of the new year are already behind us.  For many dealerships across the country, January marks more than the start of the calendar year.  It can also signify the beginning of the fiscal year.  Forecasts from last fall now show up as targets on our financial statement. All of the new initiatives, programs and best laid plans we devised to meet those goals should now be in the implementation stage. As exciting as it is to...

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