Why invest in Robotic Automation?

For those who are new to the world of robotic automation, it’s natural to ask why you should invest in this technology. Most business owners will want to fully understand the goals, the problems solved, the economic reasons, and the benefits of robotic automation before truly considering the investment. These concerns are heightened as robotic technology begins to penetrate more markets than ever before. RIA’s 2018 robot shipment...

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Potential Market Changes

Everything is tied to a cycle…..soft goods, financial assets, hard assets and every other type of sellable asset or service sold in these United States. Do lift trucks and related services fall into this category? Sure, they do. Anybody that’s been in the business for more than 25 years can tell you what it was like 25 years ago compared to what is available today. And when you add in how customer demands have changed there is zero...

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How promoting employee happiness benefits everyone

Everyone has seen the statistics about employee happiness and how it’ll change the way your workplace operates. Companies with happy employees outperform their competitors by 20%. Some companies have even gone as far as hiring an employee experience officer. One of the most notable companies to hire someone dedicated to employee experience was Airbnb back in 2015 when they transitioned their Chief Human Resources Officer to the Head...

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Are you a social sales pacesetter? Or are you losing business to one?

Here are a few questions to get your social sales juices flowing: Why are big companies interested in big data? Why are formerly non-social companies suddenly scouring and analyzing social data? Why is “mobile” the new “social?” Why is “cloud” the new data room? Often referred to as pacesetters, companies that have chosen to embrace and engage cloud, analytics, mobile, and social strategies are...

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Managing technological change

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.  – Charles Darwin                                                    During my time as a dealer principal, one of my most prodigious challenges was managing change.  As a rule, most of us would rather not deal with change. If you have some tried and true methods and “best practices” in place that are efficient and...

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2019 MHEDA Convention and Show-Set the Stage for What’s Next

If “All the world’s a stage” does your material handling organization have the right people in the right roles to generate memorable performances? Do your customers have a distinct reason to do business with you? What are the defining trends that will impact you both professionally and personally? Business is changing faster than ever before. New generations are a bigger part of your team and customer base. Recruiting and retaining...

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Leading technology for bio-based plastics

Sulzer’s integrated polylactide technology helps to build a sustainable future Bio-based, biodegradable and 100% recyclable to a virgin form — these are the main advantages of plastics made from polylactic acid (PLA). With a longstanding experience in lactide purification and PLA polymerization, Sulzer delivers process know-how and key equipment in this sector. Alex Battù and Simone Ferrero, from the Polymer Technology group, look at...

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