Where do you draw the line with customer satisfaction?
By Andrea Belk Olson, MSC and CEO of Pragmadik If you’ve ever worked the front lines – where you’re directly dealing with customers – you know that sometimes, a customer can’t be satisfied. It’s always a challenge dealing with a difficult customer, but many times, companies have hard and fast rules for how to engage with customers, leaving employees in the position of facing anger, frustration,...
Where do you draw the line with customer satisfaction?
By Andrea Belk Olson, MSC and CEO of Pragmadik If you’ve ever worked the front lines – where you’re directly dealing with customers – you know that sometimes, a customer can’t be satisfied. It’s always a challenge dealing with a difficult customer, but many times, companies have hard and fast rules for how to engage with customers, leaving employees in the position of facing anger, frustration,...
Delta-Q Technologies releases 85V and 120V industrial lithium battery chargers
Gummi bears icing jelly muffin cupcake dragée icing sweet roll. Chocolate bar jelly beans macaroon pastry tart dessert chocolate croissant. Bear claw fruitcake marzipan jelly beans icing. Halvah chupa chups halvah toffee candy canes. Candy canes bear claw candy canes chocolate bar. Bear claw brownie gummi bears cookie oat cake dragée croissant dessert marzipan. Liquorice oat cake pie powder pie jujubes. Jelly ice cream powder...
To stock or not to stock, that is the question
In the aftermarket business, profitability can be affected by a host of factors – the competitive marketplace, rising costs for wages and benefits, warranty recovery, costs of training, cost of rolling stock, fuel and van repair costs… Some of these factors are controllable, and some are not. One item however that is fully under our control is how much inventory we have on hand. The goal of inventory management, is to have...