Brady releases new Infographic on lockout tagout
Brady announced its new infographic: Lockout Tagout Scavenger Hunt. This infographic highlights key elements of a successful lockout program with an interactive scavenger hunt.
“It’s one thing to talk about the components needed for lockout tagout, it’s another to get out on the floor and locate them,” says Tim Bandt, global director of Client Services for Brady. “Creating a world-class and sustainable environment of safety means going a step further to ensure you and your employees are familiar with your lockout program and where to find the information and tools needed to safely perform each task. This infographic helps employers evaluate their program and determine if there are any gaps to improve on.”
This Lockout Tagout Scavenger Hunt infographic challenges users to walk through their facility to find six important elements of a lockout tagout program. Along the way, it asks specific questions around each element and provides an explanation of their importance.