Pail transporter with powered lift eliminates manual pail handling
The Pail Lifter from Lift’n Buddy is the fast, safe, easy way to handle five gallon paint pails. As simple to use as an ordinary 2-wheel hand truck, the Pail Lifter provides workers the added benefit of powered lifting to eliminate manual handling of heavy 5-gallon paint pails. A specially designed yoke holds pails securely in place while lifting and transporting. For additional pail stability there is also an integrated pail retainer. Units can accommodate up to 3 pails at a time and lift them to an under clearance height of 35”. Small and lightweight, the Pail Lifter operates in any environment including narrow aisles and high congestion areas. It is well suited for use in stores, on delivery trucks, even at job sites. Uses include; transporting paint from warehouses and backrooms to sales floors, loading and unloading pallets, stocking shelves and floor displays, loading pails onto tinters, feeding mixers and shakers, and delivering to customer vehicles. A flip down shelf allows the Pail Lifter to work equally well with case packed goods like quart or one-gallon containers. A 24-volt, 7.2 Amp hour battery provides ample lifting power for a full shifts use. A 110-volt battery charger is included with each unit.