The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council and Amatrol present ‘Labor Day’ Gift to the Nation
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) and Amatrol, Inc. are pleased to announce the release of their complete hands-on CPT+ Skill Boss Training and Certification program. Built upon MSSC’s well-established Certified Production Technician (CPT), this new program is designed to increase the size, skills and productivity of the nation’s front-line manufacturing workforce.
The centerpiece of this new program is a transformational training device, invented by Amatrol, that enables MSSC to offer hands-on training and assessment as an enhancement to its signature CPT training and certification system. “Skill Boss” is a computer-controlled machine that performs a wide variety of functions aligned with 55+ skills drawn from the MSSC’s National Production Standards.
As shown in the Skill Boss Brochure, the “Skill Boss” device is portable, compact, and “classroom friendly,” fitting comfortably on a standard 3′ x 6′ table. States Paul Perkins, President of Amatrol, “Colorful and multifaceted, Skill Boss will be more fun than a robot for many students and will encourage them to enter a career pathway in advanced manufacturing.”
Adds Leo Reddy, Chair of MSSC, “Cost-effective, Skill Boss will enable many more schools who cannot afford a costly lab or tech center, to offer hands-on CPT training and testing. This includes most high schools, including those in rural and urban areas.”
An industry-led nonprofit, MSSC is the leading provider of training and certification programs in the U.S. for front-line work in manufacturing and logistics. It delivers its services through a network of 2200 MSSC-trained instructors and 1400+ assessment centers, mostly at high schools and community colleges, in 49 states.