IDEAL introduces lockout/tagout training program
Up to 10 percent of industrial incidents are related to the failure to lock out equipment during plant maintenance. Proper lockout/tagout (LO/TO) practices safeguard workers from the ever-present danger of electrocution, shock or crushing. IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC. is providing facility managers with all the tools they need to conduct effective, affordable LO/TO training through the launch of a new program entitled “The Control of Hazardous Energy,” dedicated to reducing workplace injuries. Simple and straightforward, the program consists of a 14 minute video demonstrating the major steps required for an effective LO/TO program, along with important support materials such as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Leader’s Guide, Attendance Log and Certificates, employee quiz and a copy of OSHA lockout/tagout regulation 1910.147.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 1910.147 requires all work places where the potential for injury lies from the unexpected energization or startup of machines, equipment or other devices to have a LO/TO training policy. Compliance with the lockout/tagout standard prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries each year, according to OSHA. Approximately three million workers face the risk of injury daily if LO/TO procedures are not properly implemented. In addition to protecting employees, LO/TO can help cut costs and improve productivity, as well as decrease equipment downtime.